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Discovering Whole Gene Biomarkers

Accurately diagnose with all mutations that cause a disease

Accurate diagnostics with precision Biomarkers

Genetic Biomarkers are particularly useful for diagnoses and therapeutics. However, most approved drugs have a single variant Biomarker. Heligenics offers Whole Gene Biomarkers, where a diagnosis can be based upon all variants with similar activity to an established Biomarker.


Whole Gene Biomarkers examine all the mutations in a gene rather than a single mutation. This is a natural conceptual expansion of what is already in common clinical practice.

Five Facts

  • Steady growth in genetic Biomarkers over the last decade

  • There are 100s of genetic Biomarkers

  • Genes have many variants with the same activity as known Biomarkers

  • Whole Gene Biomarkers expand the number of customers eligible for a drug

  • Drug resistance mutations for a whole gene are useful

  • Treatments  based on one genetic marker have medical advantages

    Why use one genotype when you can use a  Whole Gene Biomarker?

    Emergence of Genetic Biomarkers
    • 46% of total recent approvals

    • One mutation as a Biomarker

    From “The Personalized Medicine Report: 2017 Opportunity, Challenges, and the Future”.

    One Size Does Not Fit All 
    Percentage of the patient population for which a particular drug is NOT effective

             Anti-Depressants (SSRIs)            38%                     

    Asthma Drugs                     40%

    Diabetes Drugs                     43% 

    Arthritis Drugs                       50% 

    Alsheimer’s Drugs                 70%

    Cancer Drugs                         75%

    One Size Does Not Fit All for Drug Thearapies

    Whole Gene Biomarker 
    Example of patients with Single Mutation Biomarker identified versus using MEGA-Map™ Whole Gene Biomarker panel

    Diagnostic sensitivity with a whole gene mutation biomarker

    Single Mutation


    Diagnostic sensitivity with a single mutation biomarker

    MEGA-Map™ Whole Gene Biomarker 

    patient in which genetic test did not work

    Disease, but lack Single
    Mutation Biomarker

    patient with a positive genetic from a whole gene Biomarker

    Disease with Whole Gene

    patient in which genetic test worked with a single mutation Biomarker

    Disease with Single Mutation

    Join the functional genome revolution!
    Reach out today for more information.

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